Testing Ideas


Carol returned home from the Boston Children's Museum with a vision. Children in her city would have a museum of their own! By 1975, a group of forward-thinking educators, leaders, and volunteers had been assembled to test museum ideas. That summer, 21 programs were tested in playgrounds and parks throughout the city. 

An interim board of directors incorporated the London Children's Museum and began working out of the London Urban Resource Centre, using a trailer donated by the Western University.


To '1973'

To '1977-1979'


To 'History'

Unearth Wonder

Help build our NEW dinosaur exhibit at 100 Kellogg Lane!

The future London Children’s Museum was shaped by the ideas and dreams of over 500 children, families, and community members. And children in our community made one thing very clear - our new home would not be complete without dinosaurs!

But to make our community’s dream a reality, we need your help! You can bring these prehistoric wonders to life by donating today. Every gift matters!

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